WASHINGTON D.C. — (06-07-23) — For the first time in its four-decade history, the Human Rights Campaign has declared a national state of emergency for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

“LGBTQ+ Americans are living in a state of emergency. The multiplying threats facing millions in our community are not just perceived – they are real, tangible and dangerous,” said HRC president, Kelley Robinson. “In many cases they are resulting in violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia that puts the safety of each and every one of us at risk.” said Robinson.

Alongside the emergency declaration, the Human Rights Campaign will release a digital guidebook, including health and safety resources, a summary of state-by-state laws, “know your rights” information and resources designed to support LGBTQ+ travelers and those living in hostile states.

Review State of LGBTQ Rights by Human Rights Campaign

The historic announcement by Human Rights Campaign follows “an unprecedented wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in 2023. Not to mention the level of violence against LGBTQ people that continues nationwide.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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