WASHINGTON D.C. — (09-18-22) — Yeshiva University on Friday announced the halting of all undergraduate clubs after the appeals court ruled in favor of LGBTQ Clubs on campus.

In its defiance of the Supreme Court’s five-justice majority ruling, Yeshiva University says that they have temporarily halted the activities of all its undergraduate clubs while it considers how to respond to a U.S. Supreme Court order compelling the private New York school to recognize an LGBTQ student group on campus.

The move is the latest attempt by the Modern Orthodox Jewish university to avoid giving the Y.U. Pride Alliance Club the same access to campus facilities as other clubs, including bulletin boards, a classroom, and a club-fair booth.

In an email to students on Friday, Yeshiva University officials said that in light of upcoming Jewish holidays, the school would “hold off on all undergraduate club activities while it immediately takes steps to follow the roadmap provided by the US Supreme Court to protect YU’s religious freedom.”

The Supreme Court told the university that it must at least temporarily comply with a state judge’s order instructing it to recognize the Y.U Pride Alliance while it pursues a potential appeal in the state’s court system.

The lower court’s ruling said that the university was subject to the New York City Human Rights Law which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Yeshiva University, which describes itself as the “world’s premier Torah-based institution of higher education,” argued that the court’s ruling violated its religious beliefs and would interfere with its instruction in Torah values.

A lawyer for the students, Katie Rosenfeld, told reporters that the university’s decision to cancel club activities for all students rather than accept the group, is “a throwback to 50 years ago when the city of Jackson, Miss., closed all public swimming pools rather than comply with court orders to desegregate.” said Rosenfeld.

Rosenfeld said in an email sent out on Saturday…“The Pride Alliance seeks a safe space on campus, nothing more. By shutting down all club activities, the YU administration attempts to divide the student body, and pit students against their LGBT peers. We are confident that YU students will see through this shameful tactic and stand together in community.”

A representative from Yeshiva University did not respond to a request made by JRL CHARTS LGBT Politics for comment.

However in a statement responding to the Supreme Court’s decision last week,, university president Rabbi Ari Berman said Yeshiva would follow the court’s instructions and seek “expedited relief.”

“Every faith-based university in the country has the right to work with its students, including its LGBTQ students, to establish the clubs, places and spaces that fit within its faith tradition,” said Berman.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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