OTTAWA, ONTARIO — (09-24-21) — We-Vibe in association with WOW Tech Group want you to think Pink this Octoer! About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 13%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Research is critical to lowering this statistic, which is why We-Vibe has created the “Think Pink” in-store display contest for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

In order to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month and be entered for a chance to donate $1,000, pleasure product retailers can create a store display with pink We-Vibe products and merchandise during the month of October.

The two winning displays will each receive $1,000 to be donated in their name to their preferred charity that supports breast cancer research or awareness. In addition to the donation, the winners will receive custom We-Vibe swag bags for all store staff and a store feature on the We-Vibe social media accounts.

Retailers looking to participate must send images of their store’s “Think Pink” display to by 11:59pm EST on October 22, 2021. Submissions must include the store name and location and confirmation that you have read and agree to our Official Rules.

We-Vibe will post the entries in the Pleasure Professionals Place Facebook Group, where winners will be voted on by group members. The East Coast and West Coast stores with the largest number of votes by October 29, 2021 will be crowned the winners.

For all information on the contest guidelines, official rules and a quick reference guide on qualifying We-Vibe POS items, Click Here.

If you are interested in learning more about the product, please reach out directly to your respective sales representative from WOW Tech.

For more information, contact your We-Vibe’ account representatives at +01-613-828-6678 | EMAIL | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | WeVibeTV.

Contact an authorized distributor for We-Vibe for more information: East Coast News (ecn) | Eldorado | Entrenue | Nalpac.

Article by: Andy Powell, Staff Writer

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