SAN DIEGO, CA — (05-22-24) — Hankey’s Toys proudly introduce its latest masterpiece in pleasure, the Knaughty Dragon dildo. JRL CHARTS Adult News received the press release on this stunning dildo this afternoon!

“Step into Mr. Hankey’s Toys world of fantasy dildos and unparalleled pleasure with the Knaughty Dragon dildo, the ultimate dragon-inspired sexual fantasy toy,” said a rep. “Crafted for those who dare to explore their naughtiest and deepest desires, this Knaughty Dragon dildo is going to claim every inch of your body. Surrender yourself to this mystical beauty, experience what it’s like to be filled scale by scale until you fully allow yourself to be taken on a journey to a blissful paradise.”

That’s how founder and designer Michael Mickey is describing his latest masterpiece that is an immediate ‘MUST STOCK’ and “MUST OWN”.

The Knaughty Dragon is available in small, medium, large and XL sizes. Plus, the Knaughty Dragon is available in 24 different colors!

Retailers and adult consumers can review more on Hankey’s Toys’ 9 diverse Xtra Small Series Dildos by visiting the Mister Hankey’s Online Superstore!

Retailers and distributors can get ordering information by calling 1-619-954-4780 or, by Visiting their B2B Portal Here  |  EMAIL  | Instagram  |  Reddit  |  Tumblr  |  X  |   YouTube.

Article by: Andy Powell, Staff Writer

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