KANSAS CITY, MO — (02-06-22) — 29 year-old Ryan Utterback who has made a name for himself as a LGBTQ Book Ban advocate, now faces a felony charge for second-degree child molestation.

The man who shouted at the top of his lungs that schools were promoting pornography in LGBT themed books is also facing a misdemeanor charge of attempting to show pornographic material to a minor in a separate case.

Ryan Utterback appeared in court last Thursday, where court documents allege that the felony charges relate to separate incidents in 2020, when he allegedly touched a 12-year-old girl under her clothes and rubbed a teen’s leg underneath her jeans.

The misdemeanor case alleges that Utterback used his cellphone to show pornographic video footage to a minor beginning from when she was four years-old. He also faces another misdemeanor charge of fourth-degree domestic assault.

George M. Johnson, the author of the second book conservatives have been fighting to be removed from school libraries – highlighted the charges against Utterback and his earlier objections over the LGBT-themed books being “pornographic and inappropriate for his kids” by posting on twitter “Our books teach [and] give resources to kids about predators like him.”

The second hearing for Ryan Utterback is scheduled to take place in March.

JRL CHARTS LGBT Politics reached out to Ryan Utterback for comment but as of this report, have not received a response.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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