WASHINGTON D.C — (01-27-21) — President Joe Biden is so far keeping his word to the LGBTQ community as he signs two executive orders during his first week in office.

The first was an executive order implementing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision against anti-LGBTQ discrimination. He signed that one on Day One.

The second was reversing the Transgender Military Ban instituted by the former president Donald Trump. President Biden was joined by Vice president Kamala Harris and Secretary of Defense Loyd J. Austin III.

(L) to (R) Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin

(L) to (R) Vice President Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin – JRL CHARTS

Five days into his administration, President Joe Biden has made history with the LGBTQ community with the signing of not one but two executive orders that benefit the LGBTQ community.

Biden has made it a center point of his campaign by demonstrating an aggressive approach to LGBTQ issues never seen before. Not even during the Obama/Biden era.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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