WASHINGTON D.C. — (12-14-20) — Attorney General William Barr has resigned or as Trump would put it, FIRED from his post as attorney general, following a meeting with the president today.  Reports over the weekend inside the White House say that Trump was furious with Barr over not backing him on his rigged narrative and for not leaking the Hunter Biden DOJ investigation prior to the election.

The controversial attorney general in early December, directly contradicted Donald Trump when he revealed that the Department of Justice had not found any evidence of large-scale voter or election fraud that would overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Plus Trump was furious that William Barr didn’t allow him to have his Comey moment by not leaking the Hunter Biden DOJ Investigation before the election.

Not to mention the admission during an interview with the Associated Press by William Barr undercut Trump and his allies lies to GOP voters that the election was rigged.

Interesting that this announcement comes from Trump right after the Electoral College voted to confirm president-elect Joe Biden’s victory.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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