WASHINGTON, D.C — (11-11-20) — One-Term President Trump has gone on a twitter storm with attacks on everyone from the media, to GOP governors over his lost to president-elect Joe Biden.

The out going president also turned heads when he fired his Defense Secretary but has also fired several other top level officials at the Defense Department and replaced them with what insiders call, loyalists.

Its as if he thinks he is a dictator while he’s hunkered-down in the White House refusing to speak to the press or make any public appearances.

Donald Trump did have time on Tuesday night to push numerous conspiracies about election fraud, dredged up past grievances against Obama and the FBI, and ended with him frantically retweeting his own posts from just hours earlier.

In the span of less than two hours, Trump posted 22 times, for an average of one every five minutes. At least three of the posts had been flagged by Twitter as having made disputed claims about the election.

Review One Term President Trump’s Twitter Outrage

From there, Trump hammered longtime foil Andrew McCabe and then took a whiplash-inducing turn to praise Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his cabinet official’s outrage-igniting snark about preparing to transition into a “second Trump administration.”

Then Trump took another shot at McCabe followed 10 minutes later, which was quickly followed up praise for a “brave patriot” who claimed to have witnessed voting irregularities in Pennsylvania, only to recant and admit he fabricated his claims when interviewed by postal inspectors on Tuesday.

Now just think, while One-Term president Trump is busy having temper tantrums on twitter and avoiding all public appearances, America continues to see record numbers of COVID-19 infections with over 241,267 cases per day, hospitals near capacity and GOP senators holding hearings over a 4 year old investigation that is already closed.  In my opinion, January 20, 2021 can’t come soon enough!

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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