WASHINGTON, D.C — (03-11-19) — Trump invites anti-LGBTQ president Jair Bolsonaro to the White House this month.

The president of Brazil has made his views well known especially with his latest order removing LGBT lessons and books from Brazilian schools. The same man who once said he would rather have a dead child than a gay one.

According to the White House press office, Jair Bolsonaro will meet Donald Trump on March 19, to discuss how to build a more prosperous, secure, and democratic Western Hemisphere.

With the story of Trump invites anti-LGBTQ president of Brazil to the White House, now LGBTQ rights activists are voicing their concerns.  The two presidents  will discuss the usual conservative topics, defense, trade policies and international crimes. One wonders if more anti-LGBTQ policies will be discussed.

Today’s press briefing held at the White House, never mentioned the story of Trump meeting with Bolsonaro. One wonders if both anti-LGBT presidents will discuss taking more LGBTQ rights away from us that we have worked so hard for over the past 25 years.

If President Trump invites Anti-LGBTQ President to White House, why do we have to pay for it?

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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