WASHINGTON, D.C — (10-22-18) — President Trump is proposing to eliminate Trans rights. After being reported by the New York Times over the weekend, mass protests immediately took place.

“We will be here long after this administration is in the trash heap,” said NCTE’s Mara Keisling on Monday.

Word went viral over the Trump administration’s latest assault on the LGBTQ community. In fact hundreds of protesters assembled in New York City’s Washington Square Park on Sunday night in protest. Protesters angrily reacting to the latest Trump assault on the LGBTQ community.

Trump’s Proposal To Eliminate Trans Rights Trigger Mass Protests

The Trump proposal is considering a narrower legal definition of gender which is only a stepping stone at attack LGBTQ rights that we have worked for decades to achieve.

The latest assault on the Transgender community move would be tantamount to the government saying that “transgender” is not considered to be a group that can utilize basic civil rights protections currently guaranteed by federal law.

The news drew an immediate response from the LGBTQ advocacy groups National Center for Transgender Equality, Lambda Legal and GLAAD.

“I am livid but clear-headed,” NCTE Executive Director Mara Keisling said Monday before the White House protest. “We will be here long after this administration is in the trash heap.”

The Sunday night protest in New York was hastily put together after The New York Times first reported Trump’s anti-Transgender proposal. A follow-up demonstration at the White House took place today at 12:30 p.m.EST. It is another forceful response to the latest assault on the Transgender community. Over 2,000 people prompted by social media have shown great interest in attending with the hashtag #WeWontBeErased.

Article by: Paul Goldberg, Staff Writer

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