By: Michael “The Sizzler’ Jacobs, Staff Writer

LAS VEGAS — Mainstream brands such as Taco Bell, Heinz Deli Mayo and Tide Detergent are pushing against the conservative wave of anti-gay narratives as they along with other major brands, continue their marketing to the LGBT community and thanks to YouTube channel Broken Rainbows, we can bring you a few of their latest tv spots as well as some of the other pioneer major brands tv spots packaged together below.

While we’ve seen Doritos, Tiffany & Co., Nordstrom, Clean and Clear, Absolute Vodka, Macy’s, Wells Fargo, Chevrolet, Lexus, McCafe, Smart, Honeymade,  and Campbell’s top past lists of LGBT  TV ad buys, we still have yet to see 10 percent of the major brands in the USA target the LGBT community in their major market ad buy campaigns.  Will it change and expand in 2018?

RELATED: LGBT Politics | Gay News

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